Volunteer Coupon Services has been serving single store and multiple location grocery chains, convenience stores, pharmacies and specialty stores since 1981. Put our experience and industry connections to work for you today!

If you:
- Are new to manufacturers’ coupons
- Process your coupons directly with manufacturers
- Wait weeks or months to get paid
- Are tired of excessive fees and postage
- Need help sorting through chargebacks
- Are frustrated with a coupon redemption process that is not transparent
- Process coupons through another company that could serve you better
Join our family of companies processing coupons through Volunteer.
OUR PROMISE to you and your team:
OUR PROMISE to you and your team:
✓ NO counting and sorting*
✓ NO shipment fees ✓ NO hidden fees, processing fees, or postage fees ✓ NO deposits ✓ NO endless waiting to be paid** ✓ FREE pre-paid postage envelopes and labels ✓ ONE-TIME setup fee and inexpensive annual membership renewals ✓ YOU choose how to get paid (check or ACH payment**) ✓ YOU ship as often as you want*** ✓ YOU relax with clear and easy-to-read reports ✓ YOU receive information on counterfeit coupons ✓ YOU receive weekly information to optimize your coupon program ✓ YOU have a partner to assist you in chargeback collection ✓ BEST rate possible based on store volume |
Our goal is to have your money in your bank in less than 39 days from the time you ship!**
Complete our easy seven-question application and we will get a rate quote to you within 48 hours.
Complete our easy seven-question application and we will get a rate quote to you within 48 hours.
ServicesCoupon Redemption
Fraudulent Alerts Coupon Portal |
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